Welcome to Christ Episcopal Church

A Faith Community with Open Hearts and Minds

This Sunday:

Tony Cuchetti!

We’re in the Easter Season – the Great Fifty Days between Easter and Pentecost where we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection and what it means for us. We’ll be spending some time over the next few Sundays revisiting Jesus’ teachings about himself and his mission as he prepares them to take God’s unstoppable love into the world. It’s a tall order for the disciples, and for us too.

Many of us were formed as Christians during a time when people simply belonged to a faith community – regardless of how strong (or weak) our faith was. But as the church’s role in society is changing, we struggle to give people a compelling vision for life beyond vague generalities or bland moralism. What does it look like to live out an authentic Christian life? How do we actually take God’s unstoppable love into the world? What might practical Christian spirituality look like for us?

Consider that the Beatitudes represent a simple, easy-to-understand, yet hard to master guide for what Christian life looks when we live it out in the world around us. Through the Beatitudes, “Jesus invites us to confront our distorted responses to life and return to what is most real and true. The Beatitudes chart this path back to reality.

Sometimes I struggle to put my beliefs into actions – or to know how I might do it in ways that help me grow in my discipleship. Maybe you feel the same way, too. If you do, I hope you’ll think about joining me this fall for a walk through this book – as we learn new postures for life that will help us embrace the deeper reality of the Community of God.

Alleluia! The Lord is Risen!

In Christ, Pastor Aaron Twait

Serving God and Serving our Community

At Christ Episcopal Church we believe Christ is calling us to be a renewed body in a changing world.  Empowered by the Spirit of God, we deepen our bonds with Christ and with one another in a community where all are accepted.

Wherever you are in your life with God—whether a hesitant searcher or a regular church goer—we invite you to worship with us and to make Christ Church your spiritual home.

We are committed to strengthening our faith and supporting each other on our spiritual journeys. We use our gifts and talents to follow Christ's teachings. We are bound together by love and fellowship, not by dogma or rigid beliefs. We meet, not at the table of the church, but at the table of our Lord, and we meet in love.

We are a welcoming mix of Christians with diverse accomplishments, backgrounds and opinions.   

We worship.    We celebrate.   We question.   We listen.   We study.   We pray.   We Serve.

Come to Christ Church. Add your voice—add your heart—to our worship. Sing the hymns with us. Pray the prayers. Everyone is welcome at Jesus’ table.

Thank you for sharing your worship with us. 

May the peace of God fill your heart and mind, and the Blessing of God Almightythe Father, the Son and the Holy Spiritbe with you, and remain with you, always.