Welcome to Christ Episcopal Church

Love God. Love your neighbor. Change the world.

Bulletin Board ▼

Each Sunday evening at 5pm, starting in October, we will gather in the Parish Hall to watch part of The Chosen, a historical drama based on the life of Jesus. We'll spend some time discussing what we've seen and will end the evening with a meal.

Town Hall! Pancakes!
Sunday Oct 27th after the 10AM Service.

Come and hear Pastor Aaron’s plans for our future as a parish. Your ideas, feedback and questions will be warmly welcomed! Please join us!

Adult Formation Every Sunday morning at 9AM:

  • 10/20 - Do you believe in God?

  • 10/27 - The Way of Lament

  • 11/3 - Community Action 3 RIvers

  • 11/17 - Do you believe in Jesus?

  • 11/24 - The Way of Humility

  • 12/8- Mahn Funeral Home

  • 12/15 - Do you believe in the Holy Spirit?

  • 12/22 - The way of Justice

  • 1/5 - Rise Up recovery

  • 1/19 - Do you repent of your sins?

  • 1/26 - The way of Compassion

  • 2/2 - Pronouns and Identity

  • 2/16 - Do you renounce evil?

  • 2/23 - The way of Right Motive

  • 3/2 - Racial Justice

  • 3/23 - Will you, with God’s help?

  • 3/30 - The way of Peacemaking

  • 5/18 - The way of Surrender

Blessing of the Animals Saturday, Oct. 26 on the front lawn.

FUN FRIDAYS RETURN: Every third Friday of the month 5-7PM. Cookie Exchange. Pumpkin Carving. Watch this space…

Dear friends in Christ

I love to listen to podcasts. I love them because they help keep my mind occupied during my commutes to and from Red Wing. And I love them because the best ones help me grow in my apprenticeship to Jesus and my capacity to minister to others.

My favorite podcast, the “Pivot Podcast”, comes from Luther Seminary’s Faith + Lead initiative. For quite a while now, Pivot has been exploring the changing landscape of the church and how we can faithfully live into the future that God is calling us into as congregations and as faithful apprentices to Jesus. And that’s something that’s near and dear to my heart, because there’s a wedge that’s been driven between the church and our culture, and we are needing to learn how to adapt in response.

“Change” is often a dirty word in the church, and especially in our denomination. In many ways, that’s understandable. Our faith connects us not just to God and to each other, but to our own past. There’s a comfort in knowing what to ex-pect, and the stability of our faith communities provides many of us with a sense of safety and security in a world that seems to be changing at an ever-faster rate.

And yet, churches are always changing – even if we don’t recognize it. Because churches are like any other living thing – we grow and change, or become stagnant and wither.

So the question really isn’t “will we change?” The question is whether we’ll take an active part in shaping that change. The question is whether our change will be a faithful response to God’s call to us to live out our baptismal promises.

Sometimes a change involves bringing in an expert to make tweaks to a system – almost like improving a manufacturing process. Add the right music, or make this change to worship, or start this particular Bible study or children’s program, and voom – off you go. But the change we – and nearly every other church – are facing isn’t like that. As one colleague recently said to me “it’s like we were built to be the Minnesota Vikings, and now all of a sudden we’re a ballet company”. The good news here is that we don’t have to work harder or create more things for us to do. We’re not called to make things look different. We’re simply called to discern together how God is calling us to be different.

So I hope you can come to our pancake breakfast at 11:00 on Sunday, October 27. I’ll be presenting some material and thoughts on how society around us has changed, what impact that’s having on communities of faith across the board, and how we might faithfully respond. But really, I’m looking forward to the conversations that will spark – both that day and in the days to come – about how we might be transformed by new ideas, new practices, and new ways of being.

In Christ, Pastor Aaron Twait

Serving God and Serving our Community

At Christ Episcopal Church we believe Christ is calling us to be a renewed body in a changing world.  Empowered by the Spirit of God, we deepen our bonds with Christ and with one another in a community where all are accepted.

Wherever you are in your life with God—whether a hesitant searcher or a regular church goer—we invite you to worship with us and to make Christ Church your spiritual home.

We are committed to strengthening our faith and supporting each other on our spiritual journeys. We use our gifts and talents to follow Christ's teachings. We are bound together by love and fellowship, not by dogma or rigid beliefs. We meet, not at the table of the church, but at the table of our Lord, and we meet in love.

We are a welcoming mix of Christians with diverse accomplishments, backgrounds and opinions.   

We worship.    We celebrate.   We question.   We listen.   We study.   We pray.   We Serve.

Come to Christ Church. Add your voice—add your heart—to our worship. Sing the hymns with us. Pray the prayers. Everyone is welcome at Jesus’ table.

Thank you for sharing your worship with us. 

May the peace of God fill your heart and mind, and the Blessing of God Almightythe Father, the Son and the Holy Spiritbe with you, and remain with you, always.