Dawne Mettes
Parish Relations Coordinator
Church office hours: 9-5 Tues through Thurs.
(651) 327-2206
Clergy and Staff
Rev. Aaron Twait
(651) 388-0411
Pastor Aaron joined Christ Church in July 2023 after serving as an assistant priest at the Episcopal congregation in Woodbury, Minnesota. He is a graduate of Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota and was ordained in 2022. His ministry interests include pastoral care, missional leadership, and developing meaningful worship experiences.
Aaron has a passion for helping people deepen their discipleship and is available for conversation, regardless if you’re a long-time parishioner or a friend we have yet to meet.
His office hours are Wed and Thurs 9AM to 4PM or use the above link to schedule a meeting.
Rev. Vicki Lambert
(651) 327-2243
Rev. Vicki is serving Christ Episcopal Church as our Deacon.
John Albright
Music Director
Heather Flueger
Sunday School Coordinator
Angela Shefveland
Senior Warden
Kris Blaney
Jr. Warden
Teri Van Allen
Pam Dressen
Ron Weitnauer
Carlos Perez
Gretchen Lee
Randy Pastorius
Christine Foss