Welcome to Christ Episcopal Church

Love God. Love your neighbor. Change the world.

Each Sunday evening at 5pm, we gather in the Parish Hall to watch part of The Chosen, a historical drama based on the life of Jesus. We'll spend some time discussing what we've seen and will end the evening with a meal.

Adult Formation Every Sunday morning at 9AM:

  • 2/23 - The way of Right Motive

  • 3/2 - Racial Justice

  • 3/23 - Will you, with God’s help?

  • 3/30 - The way of Peacemaking

  • 5/18 - The way of Surrender

Christmas Eve

I was the YMCA this morning, and started up a conversation with another early-riser that I’ve only spoken to once or twice. I asked him how his weekend was, and he said “really good – we had a great worship service on Sunday”. And without knowing I was a pastor, he told me all about the exciting things he’d been part of at his church. It opened the door to a short but meaningful conversation about our respective faith lives.

Conversations about faith can really be that easy. There are lots of opportunities where the door gets opened for us to talk about our experiences of God, and we can put it our there. Sometimes people take us up on it, and sometimes people don’t. The reality, though, is that many of neighbors are hungry to talk about their faith, and even hungrier to have people listen to their spiritual stories. As we move into the future that God is calling us into, I’ve set three goals for us in 2025 that will help us work on these skills.

Our first goal is to issue 200 personal invitations for people to engage more deeply in our shared life at Christ Church. Maybe this is inviting someone to come to church with you. Or to a Third Fun Friday. Or a viewing of The Chosen. Or maybe it’s inviting a new or existing member into a new ministry opportunity. All of it aligns with our desired outcome: to develop a culture of invitation to go alongside our culture of welcoming.

Our second goal is to have 400 conversations about faith outside our walls. These can be dinnertime conversations with our families. Or people we know well. Or maybe we just out it out there, like my new friend at the Y did, and see if people want to enter into that conversation.

Our third goal is to serve 600 community members in 2025. We’re already proficient at this, with ministries including our Coat Shed, our support for the local food shelf, and our hosting of Hope and Harbor. The question is: how can we build on this as a congregation and as individuals? Finally, I’d ask you all to consider how you’re deepening your discipleship.

The reality is that faith is a living thing – it needs to be nurtured in order to grow and blossom. All of us are involved in something at Christ Church. Maybe it’s a ministry area. Maybe it’s a Bible Study or Christian Conversations. Maybe it’s simply worship. But the question we need to be asking ourselves is: if I do this for a year, how will it form me spiritually? Or to put it another way, how does my participation in our faith community help me more closely pattern my life after Jesus’ teachings?

The reality is that if we can do these things – if we can be a church that listens carefully to our neighbors, invites them into a rich shared life focused around Christ, while modeling what it means to follow Jesus – well, that’s a church that just might appeal to people who are hungry to know that they’re loved by God and by us.

In Christ, Pastor Aaron Twait

Serving God and Serving our Community

At Christ Episcopal Church we believe Christ is calling us to be a renewed body in a changing world.  Empowered by the Spirit of God, we deepen our bonds with Christ and with one another in a community where all are accepted.

Wherever you are in your life with God—whether a hesitant searcher or a regular church goer—we invite you to worship with us and to make Christ Church your spiritual home.

We are committed to strengthening our faith and supporting each other on our spiritual journeys. We use our gifts and talents to follow Christ's teachings. We are bound together by love and fellowship, not by dogma or rigid beliefs. We meet, not at the table of the church, but at the table of our Lord, and we meet in love.

We are a welcoming mix of Christians with diverse accomplishments, backgrounds and opinions.   

We worship.    We celebrate.   We question.   We listen.   We study.   We pray.   We Serve.

Come to Christ Church. Add your voice—add your heart—to our worship. Sing the hymns with us. Pray the prayers. Everyone is welcome at Jesus’ table.

Thank you for sharing your worship with us. 

May the peace of God fill your heart and mind, and the Blessing of God Almightythe Father, the Son and the Holy Spiritbe with you, and remain with you, always.