Junior Guild will be having their All Church Bazaar & Bake Sale this year!
Where: Christ Episcopal Church, Parish Hall All are welcome to contribute to the Bazaar and Bake Sale that helps to pay for many things the church needs.
We would love, love, love to have all kinds of crafts and goodies! It would be nice to exhibit the wonderful talents this church family has.
Some of the items we’ve had in past Bazaars are . . . Baked goods, Pecans, All kinds of crafts, Jewelry, Birdhouses. We ask that your items be priced and make sure the baked goods are packaged as well.
Junior Guild is looking for new members. If you have the first Monday of the month to spend at 12:00 noon for about and hour, we’d love to have you. It would be a short meeting plus dessert. This is such a wonderful event. Let’s make it fantastic!